
2015年7月13日 星期一

復興小學五上science暑期先修 Chapter 3 Classifying Organisms 重點 (待續)

Chapter3 Classifying Organisms > Lesson 1 How do we classify living things?


1.     reasons to classify:

a.     To make communication easier → a scientific name

b.     To organize information


2.     3 domains:

a.     Archaea 古菌:     single- celled, without a nucleus

                 make their own food

b.     Bacteria 細菌:     single- celled, without a nucleus

                     make or get food

c.      Eukarya 真核生物:  all have a nucleus

l  ex: all muticellular organisms

l  4 kingdoms:  (1) protists 原生生物

            (2) fungi   真菌類

            (3) plants

            (4) animals


